June 10

1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33

Solomon spared no expense to make the Temple. Just the details alone are exacting and worthy of only the best structure. With the bronze, silver, gold that was put in the Temple, it was designed to be a jaw-dropping, spectacle that no human eye has ever seen.

Solomon not only built the Temple but he built a grand palace for himself. There was no known architectural rival during the time. As beautiful as these buildings were, they could not contain the full glory of God.

Stephen reminded the leaders of his day that “… the Most High doesn’t live in temples made by human hands.” (Acts 7:48). God cannot be contained in the most opulent building on earth! The earth is his dwelling place. This is important because that means we can always have access to God no matter where we are. Know that God is with you today and everyday. Let Him love you. You are His greatest creation!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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