July 27

 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6

When you understand your real relationship with God, then you will never try to fight for yourself again. As a believer, you are a child of God. You are as much a child of God’s as Jesus is. So, do you think that God would let someone or something come against you and not step in to help?

Jehoshaphat returned home from the victory against Aram and is besieged by enemies. He calls the people to prayer and fasting. God tells King Jehoshaphat that he did not need to fear because the battle was not theirs but God’s. (2 Chronicles 20:15) And, God fought on their behalf and they won the victory. 

What are you facing today? Is there an enemy that has arisen to disturb your peace? Is there a problem that is plaguing your mind? Don’t forget that you have a covenant with God and you can always count on Him to keep His Word! Turn it over to Him, and He will fight for you. All you have to do is do what He tells you and you will win every time! 

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21; Romans 11:13-36; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 20:7

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