July 30

2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27; Romans 13:1-14; Psalm 23:1-6; Proverbs 20:11

The traditional wedding vows contain a commitment to remain faithful to our spouses in the good and the bad, rich and poor, healthy and the sick times. At both ends of the spectrum, we should never let our commitment go. I have found that it is in those good times when we have to be careful because when life is going well, we tend to let things slip. And, because there is a very active devil, all he needs is one strategic slip up, and he can bring us down.

King Uzziah had a magnificent reign as King. He carried on the tradition of his father and aggressively put Judah’s house in order. He even defeated Judah’s biggest enemies and fortified all his towns against future attack. He brought peace and prosperity. But while things were going well, he left a spiritual door open and pride invaded his life. He was so remarkable in his leadership that he crossed the line between priest and king.

He went into the Temple and offered incense which is what only the priests were assigned to do. Even when he was confronted by the High Priest, he was belligerent until he saw the leprosy break out on his head. Beware when things are going well. Be certain to keep depending on God’s guidance in all you do. If you do, you will go higher and higher. Don’t give any place for the evil one to derail you. Keep your heart pure when all is going well, and God will elevate you beyond what you could ask or think!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 29:1-36; Romans 14:1-23; Psalm 24:1-10; Proverbs 20:12

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