February 12

Exodus 34:1-35:9; Matthew 27:15-31; Psalm 33:12-22; Proverbs 9:1-6

Moses had such a special relationship with God. He would have serious conversations with God to the point that God would listen to his opinion. Moses had received the law but he knew he needed more than that.

Moses’ prayer was for God to “travel with them”. Wherever they were going, Moses wanted God to lead the way. God consents to do that and He promises to drive out all of Israel’s enemies too. They are going to enjoy God’s presence, power and provision.

One thing God will not tolerate is a divided heart of loyalty. God is willing to open up His good treasure of blessings to us but only if we are exclusively His. God says that He is jealous for us. Many people have misinterpreted this statement.  It simply means that God is passionate about being in relationship with us. God doesn’t want anyone or anything to come between His relationship with His creation.

If there is any area where God is not premier, surrender it today so you can enjoy the fullness of God’s presence.

Tomorrow’s Reading: Exodus 35:10-36:38; Matthew 27:32-66; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 9:7-8

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